Friday 8 October 2010


Camera Shots
Music Videos always seem to have lots of close ups of the artist. This is to create enphasis on the lyrics and the artist themselves. Long shots and mid shots are also typical of a music video. Different types of shots are not genrally used but are often used to give different effects, eg a zooming shot or a birds eye view shot.
Camera Movement
Tracking and panning shots are used regually during the filming of a music video. Crane shots and tilts can also be used for effect.
It is important when editing a music video to change the scene. Jump cuts, dissolves, and fades are common in music videos.
Different genres of music will use different lighting within their videos. Some will use coloured or bright lights, while others will use black and white, this is genrally to set a feeling or a mood within the song. Strobe lighting or artificial lighting can be used to give the artist a moden, futuristic look.
Phonological Devises
The lyrics of the song and music are the main sounds during a music video. Sometimes the director can put in clips of regular speech or even give the music video a short story line.
Props can include the setting or simple things such as costume. These are nessasery to set the scene for the video.
Depending on the genre the costumes for a music video will vary, while pop artists will wear funky fun costumes, rock artists will wear darker colours. Costumes are an important part in music videos as artists influence their fans, and how they may dress.
All media filming has elements of miese-en-scene. This refers to the way characters and props are positioned and used on the set.

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