Monday 11 October 2010


Audience: Our target audience is people within our age group; 16-21. Also, from my questionere HipHop/Grime is the most popular genre so it would be stupid to not aim our music video at people who enjoy this genre of music.

Location: Manchester city-centre is an ideal setting as there are lots of interesting sets and props. But it may prove difficult as it is a busy area. We have also been thinking about filming against a blank background or prehaps on the green screen.

Costumes: We want costumes that stand out and are eye-catching. But also fashionable that 'normal' people may actually wear on a day to day basis.

Props: Props we will be using, so far we have decided small props such as clothing and setting will make it much more effective, letting the audience focus on the peformer and not get lost within the scene.

Actors/Peformers:When we decide who we will use to be our artist we may use them, or do a video such as one Wiley does, where we don’t actually film the artist themselves, but just other performers.

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