Friday 22 October 2010


When researching into Hip-hop/Grime music videos on YouTube I came across Wiley ft Chew Fu  - Take That. I really enjoyed watching the video and it had thousands of hits & comments, proving its very popular. The costumes used are bright and very 'out there' they aren't what people would wear on a day-to-day basis but they are definitely eye catching and keep the viewer engrossed. The use of makeup is also extreme, creating a funky futuristic look to the music video. There isn't allot of camera movement in the filming but tons of close ups and mid shots. All the performers movements are quite 'stiff and robotic' again creating that futerisistic feel. What I like the most about this music video (and also what I thinks it so popular and original) is the editing. There are lots of jumpy cuts and flashing lights, giving it a very jolty feel. If I were to create this I could possibly use stop-motion filming.

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