Friday 19 November 2010


'Street Dreams - Esdot'

Our friend Sam Cook has produced songs such as the one above. He has uploaded these on to youtube & soundcloud. This perticular song has over 2,000 hits on youtube. His music is grime and works well with our target audience.

I can do this on my own. I dont need nobody else, Im independent with the pen, don't just leave me by myself, get my CD on the shelf, its not easy but believe me: if I need it I'll achieve it; its the street dream.
I can do this on my own. I dont need nobody else, Im independent with the pen, don't just leave me by myself, get my CD on the shelf, its not easy but believe me: if I need it I'll achieve it; its the street dream.

Im'a tell you about one guy, he woulda been quite the inteligent kid (yeah). Listened to grime, wanted to try it himself but thought that he'd never get big (never).

Grime was quite new to the guy cos he was brought up on American shit. He only just came in the game for a day, already had a clash and burried the prick.

He seems to get high in the sky. Be on top of the game, I'm tellin' you this. Aint got time for wastin' time, can see it in his eyes he's never looked big. Wanting to stick to the hard core grime, big boy tings not feminine shit.

Got quite a big name for himself and he knows it, nobodys tellin' him (ishh)

I can do this on my own. I dont need nobody else, Im independent with the pen, don't just leave me by myself, get my CD on the shelf, its not easy but believe me: if I need it I'll achieve it; its the street dream.

He's got the brains to amaze a million gamers and players. He states to hate but they're amazed and they wont blatently say it. Cos when they blaze and they play a track theyre not able to make it up to his status and his aim. I rate he'll spray till hes famous.

With his name on his chain, he'll be on stage entertainin'. They know his name and his game, but still hes labelled the greatest. He needs a label to take him so he can make it in the papers and get a steady pay every day, on a regular basis.

I can do this on my own. I dont need nobody else, Im independent with the pen, don't just leave me by myself, get my CD on the shelf, its not easy but believe me: if I need it I'll achieve it; its the street dream.


Friday 5 November 2010


Jodhi, Abby and I have decided to work as a group whilst filming our music video. As stop-motion filming can be very challenging and extremely time consuming! This is the music video we have made to test out stop-motion filming. It took a long time but we are all really pleased with the result! We took the idea of going through a journey or someones day from, Her Morning Elegance - Orean Lavie, the music video I researched. The parts I enjoy the most are is the scene in the bedroom, and the undressing of the performer. We have recieved great feedback from faimily, friends, classmates and teachers. I am certain our final product will work out well.


These are examples of stop motion adverts, although they are not music videos they are extremely effective! I love they way you can make everyday things to abnormal things. I especially like the idea of the bed.

This is a music video that I found on YouTube, I think it works really well, its something I have never seen before, but it has loads of hits. People who I have asked about what they think of the film say 'Its amazing' 'Wow!' 'Its so original'. With the really good feedback I am sure that I want to film my music video in stop-motion.

Friday 22 October 2010


Another video from Wiley. In this video we dont actually see Wiley, which I think is effective as it gives a 'man behind the mask' kind of feel. It makes him very mysterious, and keeps the audience engrossed, we dont know what he looks like! I like the use of flashing lights and colourfull settings. Again, similarly to that last video I researched there is the use of jolting movements. I think I can get this effect with Stop-Motion Filming, I am going to look into it and maybe give a test shot a go.


When researching into Hip-hop/Grime music videos on YouTube I came across Wiley ft Chew Fu  - Take That. I really enjoyed watching the video and it had thousands of hits & comments, proving its very popular. The costumes used are bright and very 'out there' they aren't what people would wear on a day-to-day basis but they are definitely eye catching and keep the viewer engrossed. The use of makeup is also extreme, creating a funky futuristic look to the music video. There isn't allot of camera movement in the filming but tons of close ups and mid shots. All the performers movements are quite 'stiff and robotic' again creating that futerisistic feel. What I like the most about this music video (and also what I thinks it so popular and original) is the editing. There are lots of jumpy cuts and flashing lights, giving it a very jolty feel. If I were to create this I could possibly use stop-motion filming.

Monday 11 October 2010


Audience: Our target audience is people within our age group; 16-21. Also, from my questionere HipHop/Grime is the most popular genre so it would be stupid to not aim our music video at people who enjoy this genre of music.

Location: Manchester city-centre is an ideal setting as there are lots of interesting sets and props. But it may prove difficult as it is a busy area. We have also been thinking about filming against a blank background or prehaps on the green screen.

Costumes: We want costumes that stand out and are eye-catching. But also fashionable that 'normal' people may actually wear on a day to day basis.

Props: Props we will be using, so far we have decided small props such as clothing and setting will make it much more effective, letting the audience focus on the peformer and not get lost within the scene.

Actors/Peformers:When we decide who we will use to be our artist we may use them, or do a video such as one Wiley does, where we don’t actually film the artist themselves, but just other performers.

Friday 8 October 2010


I composed a questionere to ask people what is there 'typical favourite genre of music?'. Then I created a bar chart to show which age group enjoyed viewing/listening to the top 3 results. Rock and Punk proved to be un-popular with the people I asked. The most popular across all age ranges was HipHop/Grime. Although this is the most popular in my results, it is not typical to everyone across the country, as location has an important influence on music.